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Financial Help: Canada

Option 1: Starter Company


Up to $5,000

Qualified Candidates can receive $5,000 from Starter Company Plus

Apply Through your Local
Small Business Enterprise Center (SBEC)

Connect with your local SBEC to get support, connections the application to Starter Comapny Plus

Matched Funds - 25%

If your application and business plan is approved, you could be eligible receive up to $5,000 in funding, provided that you can match the funding with a 25% contribution.

Get Help With ...

  • Developing your business plan

  • Seminars, workshops and training on all aspects of running a small business

  • Ongoing support for running your business

  • Coaching and mentoring

  • Networking opportunities

  • On-site support through a site visit

  • Potential to apply for a grant of up to $5,000 to run your business

Option 2: Futurpreneur Canada

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Futurepreneur is a national, non-profit organization that provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business

owners aged 18-39. 

Option 3: Innovation Funding

From our partners at Natural Products Canada:

Sask Ag Tech Growth Fund: The new fund is focused on agriculture-related innovation. Two annual calls.

Ocean Startup Challenge Providing up to $1.4 million in funding to entrepreneurs developing solutions to ocean industry challenges. Deadline June 1 

Executive Talent Program: This NPC program is designed to help high potential companies achieve key commercialization milestones through the addition of an experienced executive to the leadership team. The repayable program can cover as much as $125,000 toward an executive's salary in their first year with the company. Open call.

Proof of Concept Program: This NPC program provides funds for companies and research institutions to demonstrate the commercial potential of natural products and technologies. It covers up to half of the project costs, to a maximum of $250,000. Open call.

Fast Track To Financing: This NPC program provides funds to companies or research institutes to complete their planning to meet the criteria of public or private sources of capital. Open call.

Option 4: Investment/Funding

EVA Logo square no txt.webp

EVA Ventures - Plant-based innovative products

Option 5: Loans

Element Ventures Accelerator 

For plant-based and food technology ventures

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